Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Once Upon at Pascucci...

            So, out of ideas and inspiration, I patiently carry on this covert operation of eavesdropping my table’s neighbors at Pascucci. Weather is below seven degrees celsius but the excruciating wind, seems, can chill every corner of the body. It is even colder because of the gloomy sketches on the sky, grey pastel as foundation, and mixture of white and dark blue pencils.

At about 5:30 pm she said, “씨발 좆나 추워, 너 오늘 볼꺼야?”
                       (Fuck, it’s so fuckn’ cold. So are you going to see him?)

누구, 남친? 당연히 봐야지,” said her company.
(Who? My boyfriend? Of course.)

개 부럽다, 날씨도 추운데. 그나저나 오늘 교정했는데미친 개씨발 좆나 박아데더라.”
(Fuck, so jealous. It’s getting cold. Anyways, I got braces today… Fuckn’ bitch, I swear they were drilling the shit out)

늙은 나이에 그 지랄하느라 개고생한데, ,,.”
(Pity that you have to go through such a hellish ordeal at such an old age, tsk, tsk, tsk.)

They both look at least two years younger than me.

, 주위에 괜찮은 남자 없냐? 씨발, 친구는 이 추위에 외롭고 추운데, 친구라는 년은 지 남친있다고 좆나 따뜻하냐?”
(Hey, do you know any decent guys around you? Fuck, your friend is suffering this cold with loneliness on top of it, and you are not going do a fucking thing about it?)

, 너 지난 번 남친은 괜찮더구만, 왜 헤어졌냐?”, replied her friend.
(Well, your last boy friend was decent. Why did you break up?)

말도 꺼내지마, 완전 개 싸이코야, 뭘 못해, 좆나 구속해서. 클럽을 지가 싫으면 싫었지 왜 나까지 못가게 하는데? , 그 개새끼 말하고 싶지도 않아,” with sigh she lit up another cigarette.

(Don’t even mention him. He is a fuckn’ psycho. He is so possesive, he won’t let me do anything. Why should I not be able to go clubbing just because he does not like going there? Fuck, don’t mention that bitch to me again.") with sigh she lit up another cigarette.

By this time, it seemed as if their table was starting to prepare a barbecue with all the cigrette smoke lingering in the air. Their ash tray resembling a teepee with piled up cigarettes, and I could not help but to illustrate a small indian village strating a fire inside as I seldom surreptitiously stared.

크크 그건 니가 맨날 가서 원나잇해서 그렇지,” amusingly she scolded.

(Haha, that’s because you always end up having one night stands with other guys everytime you go clubbing.)

, 그래도 한번도 안 걸렸어확실히는근데 썅, 좆나 신기한게, 남자들도 육감이란게 있나봐,” she said without any feeling of guilt.

(So, I never got caught… completely… but what the fuck? I’m curious do guys have sixth sense too?)

Time passed with other unimportant discourses, my attention span failed by this time and it grasped onto Jason Yang’s chat on facebook.

Sometime later…

, 왔다,”  her friend said waving her hand to a man behind the glass wall who just walked into the coffee shop. The single friend moved their ash tray to another table casually.

어머, 안녕하세요, 전 재영이 친구 세미에요, 얘기 많이 들었어요.”
(Oh, hello. I’m Jae-Young’s friend Sae-Mi, I’ve heard so much about you)

, 반갑습니다, 재영이 남자친구 정태에요,” said the new member of the table next to me.
(Nice to meet you, I’m Jae-Young’s boy friend, Jung-Tae.)

자기야, 이 친구가 내 어릴때부터 단짝친구 세미야. 얘가 제일 착하고 순진해, 자기 친구들중에 괜찮은 친구 있으면 소개 시켜줘,” she stuck to her boyfried like a koala. 
I thought, ‘go figure…”.
(Honey, Sae-Mi is my best friend ever since we were so little. She’s the most kind and innocent friend amongst my friends. If you have a friend who’s decent please introduce him to her.)

, 싱글이세요? ? 이렇게 미인이신데잘 됐네 오늘 있다가 나중에 제 친구와 술한잔해요 괜찮은 놈인데 잘됐다.”
(Huh, you are single? Why, but you are so pretty… perfect, later let’s meet up with my friend and drink. You’ll surely like him, he is most eligible.)

They talked more jibberish. Fakeness and full of vanity, I terminated my mission with satisfying result. As they got up to leave, the girl’s eyes met mine. She looked at me indifferently and hinted me as if to let me know she does not care about having witnessed her true identity. Because, we will most likely never meet again.

‘Wow, so cool,’ I thought sarcastically.

I thought to myself one more time for the guy who was going to get introduced to this two-faced devil, the target of my own espionage mission, ‘GG’. Although successful at unveiling the truth out of her—not that I purposedly did—I felt slightly depressed, as I was watching the empty, cloudy table left occupied no longer. For the men’s society, how oblivious are my brothers to the harsh reality of “love”?

I lit my own cigarette with a grin on my face quickly flashing through my brief experience. Smile so adequately expressed like the conversation above.

6:28 pm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice. You have more subscribers. I'm jealous lol. Have fun during the holiday.

  3. I'm amazed with this girl. Such deceit and duplicity with this one.

    It's a dirty game isn't it?

  4. Yes. Very Dirty. It's sarcastically amusing sometimes.

  5. Haha, and about having more subscribers, i literally beg on facebook for their subscription, which i know you can too... sometimes, pride is overrated... hahaha i'm so justifying myself.... i'm so funny~!

  6. So, you're just going to stop reading my blog? wth? Lol, I NEED FEEDBACK! BRING YOUR SUBSCRIBERS!

  7. Isaac, great post, but it's hard to read. The font color doesn't contrast well with the background.

  8. What is your view of womanhood?!?!???

  9. I like people who don't go to coffee shop to smoke and talk in such way to remind me of two friends in this post... lol
