Sunday, January 30, 2011

Clandestine Movement which should be Renowned...

            So, when we think about Rosa Parks, William Wilberforce, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and many abolitionists and their prodigious achievements, we find ourselves in awe and also in humility. The determination and their discernment of what is right overwhelmed their environments which told otherwise. But those moments of glorifying their improvements in humanity are short-lived. I am pretty darn sure such heroes of their contemporaries did not overcome the twisted norms of their societies, just to have ephemeral effects on their posterity. It is like a marathon where their baton has been handed over to us, yet the worse part of our ignorance is that we simply clap and find ourselves in awe as if we are the audiences. Some where along the race, consumerism has deceived us into thinking that all is well and the race discontinued. The race is not over and more shockingly as it may sound to our generation, we are the next runners of this race to end slavery. Yes, you, your families, friends, and neighbors do not have shackles around the ankles, and you are comfortably oblivious to this specific evil, slavery. But how about this? There are more than 27 million slaves in today's world. How many people are you fortunate enough to know that are not in slavery? 100, 1,000, 10,000? Well, if 27 million does not allow you to even reconsider about the world you live in, then maybe it will take even greater number to get you interested (until it breaches your comfortable social networks and relationships). Nonetheless, there are people who are already involved to make even the slightest impact. I, too, am grateful for their involvement, simultaneously ashamed of my ignorance. So how do we abolish slavery? How do we become an abolitionist? Despite the solemn connotation the word "abolitionist" holds, it's simple, thanks to some great minds with heart, you can simply visit Free2Work and get englightened.

             So this site lets you know with letter grades which conglomerates promote and demote slavery upon production of their products. They say if one out of five consumers are aware of their choices in consumption, it can bring down a company, or resurrect one. Thanks to the founders, you and I can become part of the movement simply by purchasing with values.

By the way, it's my birthday. Hahaha. Nice~! Bravo Isaac~!

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