Saturday, January 22, 2011

After an inspiration by John Chae~!

So, it is apparent that I started this blog thing soon after I saw it on John's page. Well, the notion of writing as hobby, stress reliever, and maintenance of sanity cannot be distinguished as to who had it first, but yes, the mode of expression and "publication" of my thoughts and random writings are "inspired" through John's. It is only fair to admit and warn to those who read my posts that I am not a professional, thereof, I do not feed upon readers' expectations, although sincere feedbacks to improve my expressions are genuinely accepted, and I am bound to no limitations. I do not know how often and persistent I will be with my journey of writing, yet consider this as generous disclosure of my thoughts--my reflections, opinions, goals, emotions, expressions, and etc--so that those who are willing to spend some time of their precious lives can equate and evaluate their thoughts reflected through my choice of words. In sum, I just want to share my piece of mind so that I can obtain peace of mind.

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