Saturday, May 7, 2011


At a family vacation house, near the outskirts of Seoul, we decided to take some time off from subconscious toil brought within the city. Purple horizon partly hiding behind wildly orchestrated sea of mountains, we started a camp fire, flicker of light amidst impending, immense darkness. In far distance, highway full of cars can only be seen as absurdity in nature's magnificent presence.

There, we sat around the flicker being hypnotized with nothing particular in mind, but particularly by the dancing swords of flame. To arouse the serene mood even more, I played some songs with my Tab. To my remembrance, the list was of 'Sunny' by Bobby Hebb, Bill Wither's 'Just the Two of Us' and more of the similar harmony.

Minutes seemed like hours, and how I wished these hours would be eternal. My father broke the peace with a remark, "너 많이 성숙해졌구나? 정신상태가 많이 차분해졌어. (You've matured, your mental state is calmer)".

My list of music probably had reflected my state of mind to him.

"예전엔 무슨 '뻑뻑뻑'하는 노래만 듣고 다녔는데. (Before you only used to listen to music with 'fuck, fuck, fuck'.)"
He went on and continued, "무슨 오리새끼나오는 노래만 듣고 다녔잖아~ (You used to constantly listen to music that sounded like duck-quaking)."

By then, I almost fell from tilted chair laughing hideously about his metaphoric comments about my past musical preference.

It was a pleasant, shameful, and progressive self-reflection upon that comment. Pleasant, because I remember delightful memories from the past. Shameful, because I know at that time I had this very bitter, pessimistic, cynical, twisted, and FTW mentality. Progressive, because I have changed of which at the past moment thought I would not change or couldn't imagine myself to be, but still am. Many thoughts intermingled as the warmth of fire greeted me with luxury of comfort to reflect myself.

'Yes, I did quit that 'duck-music' for good', thought to myself with an inevitable smirk.


  1. I think change of preference is a process some ppl go through, some fast some slow, but it certainly is beneficial, because you make a decision fully understanding it. Music should be like our house of values, which needs to be broken apart and rebuild by ourselves not by somebody else. the journey is as important as the destination.

  2. @ Alibek - wow, thanks bro, such a nice encouragement, makes me wanna keep writing, you flatter me with your kind extollment.

    @ Susan Child - lol, yes i'm sure you can
